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Why these artists and songs…
Caroline Pennell came over in June. Nashville summers are dreadfully hot and muggy, so the Christmas spirit is hard to muster. But muster we did. We hung lights and a few ornaments. One thing about Caroline is she’s incredibly in control of her voice. It sounds effortless. She usually only needs one take.

With a name like Angel Snow, I (and the entire world) knew she would one day have a Christmas album. I always feel lucky to work with Angel. She’s a great writer and, vocally, she finds an emotional depth you didn’t know the song was capable of. Psst! UK People, Angel tours your area often, so keep tabs on her.

Hem. My wife Heidi listens to “Rabbit Songs” this time of year. It’s not a holiday album, but it feels like one.
I’m not sure if it feels like one because it actually does or because of my history with it, but I thought I’d include it because, regardless, it’s really great music.