AMA: “You say public recognition is fleeting. But would you have continued your path if no one was listening to your songs?”

You say public recognition is fleeting. But would you have continued your path if no one was listening to your songs?

– John

Hi John –

No, I suppose I would have found something else to do career-wise. I imagine I would still write songs, but without hope of earning a living through them.

Recognition, praise, attention—whatever you want to call it—goes in spurts, though. My friend Fred says you need to ask yourself whether anybody ever throws you a proverbial bone. It’s ridiculous to think you can have a bone thrown at you all day every day. But if you never ever get a bone tossed your way, then you might want to rethink the career path you’re on.

I’ve been in that state a number of times and it’s painful. Especially since my love language is words of affirmation. I’m serious. I don’t really care about money, but I will go THE DISTANCE for an atta boy. But just when I think nobody’s going to thrown me a bone, somebody does. And that’s been key for me continuing to the next level.


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