Aaron’s Blog

Life, family, and music.

The Wedding Ring Hack

You probably have a method for capturing your ideas in the moment–whether it’s your phone, a recipe card, or a Moleskine notebook–but sometimes that method doesn’t work. For me, the combination of hot water on my scalp and the scent of shampoo often sparks creativity. If you wear a wedding ring–or any ring, for that […]

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10 Strategies to Improve Your Proficiency in Logic Pro

“What strategies can I use to improve my proficiency in music production software like Logic to better translate my song ideas into fully produced tracks?” – Sarah Hi Sarah, Great question. The gap between hearing production in your head and actually getting it recorded can be incredibly frustrating, especially when starting out. Get To 100

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AMA: “How can I balance my time between live performances, music production, and other income streams like design work to support my family?” – Ryan

Hi Ryan, Great question. “Balance” is a tough topic and one I can relate to. For a longtime balancing my roles as an artist, producer, and songwriter was extremely difficult. I realized my success or lack-thereof depended on how organized I was. I’m not naturally organized or efficient with my time.  I got away with

AMA: “How can I balance my time between live performances, music production, and other income streams like design work to support my family?” – Ryan Read More »

Good Inside

As a parent, if you’re like me, you often feel like you’re failing. When you don’t feel like you’re failing you feel like you could be doing a lot better. And then in the blink of an eye, your kids get older. You know you’ve made so many mistakes. Are you too late? Is the damage

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